A LUTA ENTRE A SERIEDADE E A RISADA EM PADRE VIEIRA: história, mitologias e crença religiosa


  • Cosme Oliveira Moura Junior Faculdades Pitágoras — MA




burlesque speech, civilization, religious phenomenon, interpretation linguistic-historical,


In this article we talk about vieirense discursive altered images (burlesque and of carnival) contained inthe sermons of: Quinta Dominga da quaresma, Santo Antonio aos peixes, O bom ladrão e Sexagésima, written bypriest Antonio Vieira in the century XVII. The analyses began with an interpretative description about the religiousritual of the mass taking like theoretical base concepts durkheimianos of positive and negative rituals. Next, we enterin the reflections of the carnival language and burlesque language (Bakhtin, 1999) contained in the chosen sermons.From the interpretation linguistic-historical of the sermons, we could realize the existence of a (discursive) dialectics,or it fights, between the order of the moral, of the seriousness (civilization society and Christian) and the (des) orderof the laughter (the lie, the sin, the ostentation, the leisure) in the historical context shown by the Priest in theMaranhão of the century XVII.


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How to Cite

Junior, C. O. M. (2008). A LUTA ENTRE A SERIEDADE E A RISADA EM PADRE VIEIRA: história, mitologias e crença religiosa. Outros Tempos: Pesquisa Em Foco - História, 5(6). https://doi.org/10.18817/ot.v5i6.209